Time for another jaunt to a Galaxy Far, Far Away with a fresh episode all about Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trivia. Get your X-Wing ready and let’s dive into thirty trivia questions.
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Episode Intro
Love it or hate it, we’re got the first movies of the sequel trilogy this week.
Hey gang, I’m your host, Brian Rollins and this week, we’ve got Star Wars The Force Awakens Trivia on tap. The new movies were divisive to say the least. But, we covered the other six movies in the Skywalker saga, so it only stands to reason we hit Episodes 7-9.
As always, it’s three rounds of 10 questions each. I ask, you get a timer, and then we settled up. Sound good? Great. Then let’s get started.
The Dorky Round
- Carrie Fisher drops her princess title for what military one?
She’s a General in Episode VII - Who directed Episode VII?
JJ Abrams - Who flies a black & orange X-Wing?
Poe Dameron - Which original trilogy actor only appears at the very end of the film and has no dialogue?
Mark Hamill - Who is the first droid we meet in Episode VII?
BB-8 - This is the first Star Wars film to be released by what studio?
Walt Disney Pictures - What character wore chrome stormtrooper armor?
Captain Phasma - Who plays the character of Rey?
Daisy Ridley - Adam Driver plays what villain?
Kylo Ren - The Galactic Empire is replaced by what organization?
The First Order
The Geeky Round
- What star of Rogue One was one of the finalists to play Rey?
Felicity Jones - What is Kylo Ren’s birth name?
Ben Solo - The movie starts on which planet?
Jakku - Who says, “I have a bad feeling about this” in Episode VII?
Han Solo - Who described watching the movie as an experience akin to attending an ex-wife’s wedding?
George Lucas - What daughter of Carrie Fisher played Lt. Connix?
Billie Lourd - The Force Awakens marks the first time JJ Abrams did not use who as a composer?
Michael Giacchino. He does, however, have a cameo as a stormtrooper - Who was considered a top choice for directing Episode VII, but had conflicts with the film Tomorrowland?
Bard Bird - Episode VII is the first Star Wars movie released in what month?
December. All previous Star Wars movies were released in May. - Who received their 50th Oscar nomination for their work on the film?
John Williams
The Nerdy Round
- Who is credited as a “consultant” for R2-D2?
Kenny Baker - JJ Abrams was inspired by what 1979 horror movie when naming Phasma?
Phantasm. He said the shiny armor reminded him of the spheres - Who voiced Maz Kanata?
Lupita Nyong’o - How many years, in-universe, separate Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens?
Thirty years - Due to Peter Mayhew’s age, what actor doubled for Chewbacca?
Joonas Suotamo - The New Republic’s capital is located on what planet?
Hosnian Prime - What trilogy of books by Chuck Wendig covers the time between Episodes VI and VII?
The Aftermath Trilogy - What deadly creatures are Han Solo and Chewbacca transporting?
Rathtars - What British actor plays the stormtrooper that Rey “mind tricks” into letting her go
Daniel Craig - What is Finn’s stormtrooper designation?
Episode Conclusion
And that’s it for Star Wars Episode 7. What was your take on the movie? Let me know on social media. I know Star Wars fans are not shy about their opinions.
I’ll be back next week with another episode. Here’s a clue for what to expect:
What toy was first released the tag line: ‘America’s Movable Fighting Man’
Toy trivia? It’s been a long time since we’ve had one of those. I think The Transformers was the last time we had one. Come back next Wednesday to find out what it is.
This has been episode 216 of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast.
The theme music is by Jason Shaw at Audionautix.com.
This podcast was written, produced, and hosted by me, Brian Rollins. You can find out what else I’m up to at TheVoicesInMyHead.com.
Thanks for listening.
Episode Feedback
Hosted & Written by Brian Rollins
Music by Jason Shaw
Copyright 2019-2025 by Brian Rollins
This podcast was released under a Creative Commons, Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives 4.0 International license. Permission denied for use in AI training.