A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…there was Star Wars Trivia!
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Episode Introduction
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…
I’m your host, Brian Rollins and this is Episode 10 of the Dorky, Geeky, Nerdy podcast. That’s right, 10 whole episodes. We made it. For those of you that have been with us since the beginning, thank you for your support. For episode 10, I wanted to do something classic that’s full of geeky trivia. The original Star Wars – Episode Four: A New Hope.
If you’re new or need a refresher on the suggested rules for playing, head over to dorkygeekynerdy.com/rules. From there you can find ways to follow the show on Facebook and Twitter. As always, the game consists of three rounds of ten questions. The rounds are named Dorky, Geeky, and Nerdy, each more difficult than the last.
OK, Red Squadron. Lock S-Foils in attack position and start your run.
The Dorky Round
1. What gangster appears in the rough cut of the film but wasn't restored until the special edition in 1997?
2. What country stood in for Tatoonie?
3. Who played R2-D2?
4. Which actor was not credited in the initial release of the film?
5. Who actually says 'I have a bad feeling about this'?
6. What character has the first line of dialogue?
7. Who does C3PO advise to 'Let the Wookiee win'?
8. George Lucas formed what company to do the visual effects for Star Wars?
9. Star Wars was the highest grossing film of all time until surpassed by what movie?
10. Who was the only cast member to receive an Academy Award nomination for their role in the film?
The Geeky Round
1. In the initial draft of the script, what was Luke Skywalker's name?
2. While we're used to 'Green screen' for compositing special effects, what color screens were used for Star Wars?
3. The word Wookiee originally appeared in what other George Lucas film?
4. Who was working as a carpenter before starring in the film?
5. What company made the tie-in toys for the film?
6. What's the name of Princess Leia's ship?
7. The Millennium Falcon was in what docking bay in Mos Eisley spaceport?
8. The Rebel base was located on what moon?
9. Han Solo comes from what planet?
10. What Joseph Campbell book served as a roadmap for Star Wars?
The Nerdy Round
1. What language are the Jawas actually speaking?
2. What does TIE in TIE Fighter stand for?
3. David Prowse earned what nickname from the cast and crew?
4. Before and just after filming, Peter Mayhew worked as what?
5. How many Oscars did Star Wars win in 1978?
[toggle title="6. How many Oscars was it nominated for?"]Eleven. It didn’t win for actor in a supporting role, writing, director, and best picture.
7. The iconic score by John Williams won how many Grammys?
8. What Japanese filmmaker's work served as inspiration for George Lucas' script?
9. Between the initial 1977 release and the 1997 Special Edition, how many times was Star Wars released in theaters?
10. Chewbacca was based on what breed of dog?
Episode Conclusion
And that’s it. Number 10. Now would be a great time to drop us a line and tell us what you think. What do you like? What do you want to see change? Any topics you like us to cover? Head over dorkygeekynerdy.com/contact and let us know. We’d love to hear from you. We’re still learning and evolving and your input helps out immensely. We’ll be back again next week and here’s your hint:
What decade saw the rise of The Blob, The Thing, and Robbie the Robot?
I’m your host Brian Rollins. Thanks for listening and may the force be with you.
The force was not strong with me on this one. Have to admit, the Peter Mayhew question got me a little choked up.
Yeah! Star Wars Trivia! I had no idea about Mayhew. That’s so sweet!
Wonderful! Lookikng forward to more SW trivia.
Where’s ESB?! It’s my favorite movie in the series. Please!