The Trivia must flow. Hey gang, this is episode 263 of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. This week, we’re diving into both a Sci-Fi classic and a new movie coming in…
Tag: Novels
244 | Banned Books Trivia
Today we’re breaking the rules and reading some “offensive” books. It’s episode 244 of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast and this week, we’ve got Banned Books Trivia. This week, the American Library Associate has their Banned Books week. They call attention to censorship around the country and highlight books that some people may not want you to read. Some of these might surprise your while others…not so much.
155 | Michael Crichton Trivia
Our second episode of 2022 and we’ve got another author episode with Michael Crichton Trivia. The Jurassic Park author wrote a ton of books, created numerous screenplays, and even directed films. How well do you know his works? Let’s test those trivia skills.
150 | The Hobbit Trivia
All snuggled up in your Hobbit hole? Let’s get into some Hobbit Trivia for this week’s show. We covered The Lord of the Rings way, way back in Episode Four, so it’s high time we got to the original work by JRR Tolkien.
144 | Stephen King Trivia
Stephen King trivia! Come on, you knew I was going there, right? Not ending a whole month of horror writers with King would be a crime. It really would. So, here you go. Thirty trivia questions about the life and works of the horror master.
143 | HP Lovecraft Trivia
Don’t stare into the abyss, my friends! This week, we’ve got 30 trivia questions about the life and works of HP Lovecraft. That’s right, this week we’re taking on Cthulhu and the eldritch horrors!
142 | Anne Rice Trivia (Life and Works)
It’s our second Halloween Trivia episode for 2021 and we’re diving into the Queen of the Vampire novel with Anne Rice Trivia. I know a lot of you had a struggle with Dean Koontz last week, so here’s to hoping you have better luck with Anne Rice trivia.
141 | Dean Koontz Trivia
We are kicking off October with some Horror-themed episodes. This week, we’re covering Dean Koontz Trivia. That’s right, an entire episode dedicated to the life and works of Mr. Koontz. Buckle up and get ready for thirty trivia questions from the prolific author.
138 | Hunger Games Trivia
Do you volunteer as Tribute? Well, this week we’ve got 30 questions on Hunger Games Trivia. Test your skills against Snow & Coin for this week’s show.
100 | Star Trek Trivia Spectacular
Has it really been one-hundred episodes? Feels like it was only yesterday I was putting this thing together on a whim. Well, here we are. 100 episodes. Over 30,000 episode downloads. What a wild ride.