It’s our second Halloween Trivia episode for 2021 and we’re diving into the Queen of the Vampire novel with Anne Rice Trivia. I know a lot of you had a struggle with Dean Koontz last week, so here’s to hoping you have better luck with Anne Rice trivia.
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Episode Transcript/Quiz
Episode Intro
Welcome to episode 142 of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. I’m your host, Brian Rollins and for our second October episode, we’re diving into the life and works of horror writer, Anne Rice.
As always, it’s three rounds of ten questions each. If you need rules for scoring or a sheet to put said scores upon, visit the show’s website, DorkyGeekyNerdy.com
I think that covers the appetizers, so let’s dig into the main course with…
The Dorky Round
1. What was Rice's first published novel?
2. Rice is mother to what horror author?
3. What Anne Rice series begins with 'The Witching Hour'?
4. Who played Lestat in the 1994 film, Interview with the Vampire?
5. Rice's 1979 novel, The Feast of All Saints, takes place in what US city?
6. Reuben Golding becomes a lycanthrope in what 2012 Anne Rice novel?
7. In 2009 and 2010, Rice published the only two books in what series?
8. Though she currently calls herself a 'secular humanist', Rice was raised under what religion?
9. Cry to Heaven takes place in what watery Italian city during the 18th century?
10. The New Tales of the Vampires series begins with what 1998 novel that shares a name with a character from Greek Myth?
The Geeky Round
1. What was the first film adaptation of an Anne Rice book?
2. Who is being interviewed in Interview with the Vampire?
3. Who was originally cast as the interviewer, Molloy, for the film version of Interview with the Vampire?
4. In The Queen of the Damned, who is the mother of all vampires?
5. In 2005, Anne Rice wrote what account of Jesus?
6. In a 2016 novel, Lestat has visions of what mythical realm?
7. Rice co-wrote what novel with her son, Christopher?
8. What book, named after a musical instrument, features the ghost of Beethoven?
9. Body swapping is a plot point in what 1992 novel?
10. Rice has said she based vampires off of Gloria Holden's character from what 1936 movie?
The Nerdy Round
1. What is Rice's birth name?
2. According to Anne Rice, what book does she revisit whenever she's blocked?
3. As of 2021, how many novels are there in the Vampire Chronicles?
4. Lestat: The Musical had songs composed by Bernie Taupin and what singer/songwriter?
5. In the book version, hold old is Claudia when she's turned into a vampire?
6. Initially, who did Rice want to play Lestat?
7. Exit to Eden and Belinda were written under what pseudonym?
8. What 1996 novel features a genie trying to figure out his purpose on Earth?
9. As of 2021, how many Anne Rice novels have been adapted into movies?
10. Rice wrote the Sleeping Beauty Quartet under what pseudonym?
Episode Conclusion
And that’s it. The sun has come up, and it has banished the foul creatures. For now, at least. I’ve made the offer before and I’ll make it again. I have narrated three vampire books for Audible. I still have a few free copies I can give away. If you’re interested, swing by my narration website, TheVoicesInMyHead.com and request one of them. I recommend Ancient Blood, if you’re a fan of Anne Rice novels.
We’ll be back again next week with more horror-themed trivia as we work our way through October. Here’s your clue for next week’s show:
What horror writer was born in Providence, RI in 1890?
We’re going old school for our trivia next week. I suggest you get your lanterns ready.
This has been episode 142 of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. The music has been by Jason Shaw at Audionautix.com. I’m your host, Brian Rollins.
Thanks for listening and stay safe out there.
Episode Feedback
Hosted & Written by Brian Rollins
Music by Jason Shaw
Copyright 2019-2025 by Brian Rollins
This podcast was released under a Creative Commons, Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives 4.0 International license. Permission denied for use in AI training.