They’re coming for you, listener. This week, for episode 248 of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast, we have Zombie Movie Trivia. We’re wrapping up our October episodes with the genre.
Tag: Horror
247 | Ghost Movie Trivia
Things are going bump in the night here at the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. For episode 247 of the show, I’ve got Ghost Movie Trivia.
245 | Slasher Movie Trivia
Check behind the door and around the corner because something’s out there. That’s right kids, we’re kicking off October with the first of four horror-themed episodes. This week, it’s Slasher Movie Trivia for episode 245 of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast.
238 | Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean Trivia
Ahoy mateys. Grab some grog and settle in for episode 238 of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. I’m your captain and this week we’ve got thirty questions all about Pirates of…
224 | Predator Trivia
If it bleeds, we can write trivia about it. This week, we’re hitting the jungles (and lots of other places) with Predator Trivia on this week’s episode of Dorky Geeky Nerdy.
160 | 1980s Horror Movie Trivia
Snuggle up with someone because it’s about to get a little scary. This week, we’re heading back in time with some 1980s Horror Movie Trivia. Some were good, some were bad, and some were weird. Like really weird.
156 | Alien Movie Trivia
In space, no one can hear you trivia. This week, we dive into the dark void with Alien Movie Trivia. That is, movies from the Alien film franchise (not just films with aliens in them).
144 | Stephen King Trivia
Stephen King trivia! Come on, you knew I was going there, right? Not ending a whole month of horror writers with King would be a crime. It really would. So, here you go. Thirty trivia questions about the life and works of the horror master.
143 | HP Lovecraft Trivia
Don’t stare into the abyss, my friends! This week, we’ve got 30 trivia questions about the life and works of HP Lovecraft. That’s right, this week we’re taking on Cthulhu and the eldritch horrors!
142 | Anne Rice Trivia (Life and Works)
It’s our second Halloween Trivia episode for 2021 and we’re diving into the Queen of the Vampire novel with Anne Rice Trivia. I know a lot of you had a struggle with Dean Koontz last week, so here’s to hoping you have better luck with Anne Rice trivia.