We’re heading back down south for this week’s episode with a little South Carolina Trivia. Time to test your skills with the history, geography, and famous people of the Eighth State in the US. It’s colorful and varied, just like South Carolina.
Tag: History
173 | Wyoming Trivia
Howdy folks. Get yourself ready for some Wyoming Trivia in this week’s episode of Dorky Geeky Nerdy. Three rounds of ten questions all about the State of Wyoming, its history, and some of the famous people from there.
172 | West Virginia Trivia
Take me home, country roads…to some West Virginia Trivia in this week’s episode of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. As always, we’ve got three rounds of ten questions each where I ask and you do your best to answer. Don’t worry if you don’t know, you’ve just learned a new fact.
171 | Nevada Trivia
Ready to test your luck (and your skills) with some Nevada Trivia? Well, we’ve thirty questions all ready for you. Just download the episode to get started. As always, it’s three rounds of ten questions each.
This is our 10th State episode, how are you hanging in there? So far so good?
170 | Massachusetts Trivia
The Trivia is coming! The Trivia is coming! This week, we’ve got Massachusetts Trivia. Thirty questions about one of the oldest states in the country and the birthplace of the American Revolution. Needless to say, there is a LOT of history to cover and we’re only skimming the surface of the state. If you’re a history nerd, feel free to check out the Extra Credit links below to get even more information about Massachusetts.
169 | Idaho Trivia
It’s our first episode in the Pacific Northwest. This week, we tackle Idaho Trivia for our 169th episode of Dorky Geeky Nerdy. While not nearly as populous as other states, Idaho makes up for it with natural beauty and a variety of resources. Let’s dive into our episode this week and see how well you do with Idaho Trivia.
168 | North Dakota Trivia
We’re heading North! It’s rolling plains and beautiful wilderness as we tackle North Dakota Trivia this week. We’re tackling thirty questions about the state, its history, its geography, and a handful of famous people that are from there.
166 | Texas Trivia
Let’s wrangle up some trivia! This week, we’ve got thirty questions for Texas Trivia. It’s a big state, so we’ve got a lot of ground to cover. Time to test your skills to see how well you know Texas, its history, and famous people from the state.
165 | Maine Trivia
Dive into Maine Trivia for this week’s episode of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Podcast. From Bangor, to Portland, to Augusta, we’ve got the state covered. Thirty fun, informative questions about the Northern state, its geography, its history, and some of its famous residents.
164 | Georgia Trivia
Looks like some trivia went down to Georgia looking for some points to steal. That’s right, this week’s episode of Dorky Geeky Nerdy is all about Georgia Trivia. Thirty trivia questions about the state, its history, and some of its famous residents. How are you fairing against this season’s cluster of topics?