Time to relax and grab a drink for Alcohol Trivia on this week’s episode of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. We are going to, responsibly, consume thirty questions about alcohol and its representation in pop culture.
“Here’s to alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all our problems” – Homer Simpson
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Episode Intro
Time to relax and grab a drink for Alcohol Trivia on this week’s episode of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. We are going to, responsibly, consume thirty questions about alcohol and its representation in pop culture.
Unlike the actual stuff, there is no age limit for these questions. If this subject is too triggering for you, skip it and come back next week. We’ve got comic book trivia then.
OK? Good. Then let’s dive in.
The Dorky Round
- After water and tea, what is the most popular beverage in the world?
a. Beer - Ending a 300-year-old tradition, in 1970, British sailors were no longer given a daily ration of what?
a. Rum - What alcohol is mentioned in the Bible over five hundred times?
a. Wine - Though there are variations, what drink is fresh orange juice mixed with champagne?
a. A mimosa. - A margarita is traditionally served with what mineral stuck to the rim of the glass?
a. Salt - In Star Trek, what blue-colored beverage is illegal in the Federation but is still consumed regularly?
a. Romulan Ale - Homer Simpson is an ardent consumer of what alcohol?
a. Duff Beer - Named after the first Bond girl, what drink was consumed during the book and film version of Casino Royale?
a. The Vesper - Crown Royal is product of what country?
a. Canada - What beverage, made in Mexico, is distilled from the blue agave plant?
a. Tequila
The Geeky Round
- What Amendment to the US Constitution prohibited the sale of alcohol?
a. The 18th Amendment - Alcoholism is referred to as AUD. What does AUD stand for?
a. Alcohol Use Disorder - A Moscow Mule is traditionally served in a mug made from what metal?
a. Copper - In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Ron Weasley accidentally drinks some poisoned what?
a. Oak-Matured Mead - What alcohol is named (indirectly) for a French royal family that included Louis the XIV and XV?
a. Bourbon whiskey. Debate rages as to whether the whiskey is named for Bourbon County in Kentucky or Bourbon street in New Orleans. - Drinking what beverage was described by the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy as “like having your brain smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick”?
a. A pan-galactic Gargle Blaster - What four-letter alcohol is considered the official drink of Greece?
a. Ouzo - Buzz Beer, in The Drew Carey Show, is beer brewed with what stimulant?
a. Coffee - During the Kentucky Derby weekend, Churchill Downs serves over 120,000 of what cocktail?
a. Mint Juleps - There is a cutout of Ryan Reynolds at the welcome desk to the distillery that makes what liquor?
a. Aviation Gin. Reynolds is part-owner and spokesman for the brand.
The Nerdy Round
- What Amendment to the US Constitution repealed the 18th Amendment?
a. The 21st Amendment. America sobered up enough in that span to pass the 19th Amendment, Women’s Suffrage, and the 20th to move the inauguration up two months, shortening the “lame-duck”period of a presidency. - Mezcal does not contain a worm but rather what dead creature?
a. Moth larvae - Jägermeister translates to what in English?
a. It means Hunt Master in German - In 1876, what company’s red triangle logo became the world’s first trademark?
a. Bass Pale Ale - The “rule of thumb” is when brewers used their thumbs to determine when to add what?
a. Yeast - Niles and Frasier Crane were fond of what fortified Spanish wine?
a. Sherry - In Deep Space Nine, General Martok brought an entire barrel of what Klingon beverage to the final battle of Cardassia?
a. Klingon Blood Wine - According to what dystopian novel, Victory Gin had a “sickly, oily smell”?
a. Nineteen-eighty-four - If you spike an Arnold Palmer with vodka, you get what drink named after what other PGA player?
a. John Daly - Though whisky and vodka are #1 in most US states, Nevadans are most fond of what anise-flavored liquor?
a. Absinthe
Episode Conclusion
And that’s it for alcohol trivia. Let me know on social media or Spotify what your drink of choice is (even if it’s non-alcoholic).
Here’s a clue for next week’s episode:
What Justice League member made his debut in the story, “The Strange Experiment of Dr. Erdel”?
I promised comic trivia and I shall deliver. See you next Wednesday.
This was episode 260 of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. If you’d like to help support the show, become a patron at Patreon.com/dorkygeekynerdy.
The theme music was provided by Jason Shaw of Audionautix.com.
This podcast is written, produced, and hosted by me, Brian Rollins. Come find out what else I’m up to at TheVoicesInMyHead.com.
Thanks for listening.
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Hosted & Written by Brian Rollins
Music by Jason Shaw
Copyright 2019-2025 by Brian Rollins
This podcast was released under a Creative Commons, Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives 4.0 International license. Permission denied for use in AI training.