Update: When we launched this episode, we had no idea what kind of person Joss Whedon was behind the scenes. The folks at DGN 100% support those that have come forward and spoken out. That said, I’m leaving the episode up because the good work of those other folks that worked on Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dollhouse, and The Avengers are talented people and we’re still fans of the material. With that ‘disclaimer’, enjoy the show.
Do you like snarky dialogue? If you do, we have got you covered. From Buffy the Vampire Slayer to Marvel’s The Avengers, we love the snappy wit and dialogue from the writers at Mutant Enemy Productions.
Our first “Quotable” episode debuts this week and it’s one of many, I hope. How well do you know the films and TV shows created by the team at Mutant Enemy Productions? Let’s find out.
After you’re done with Mutant Enemy Quotes Trivia, please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast. It goes a long way to help promote the show to more listeners. And it makes you a big damn hero.
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Episode Introduction
Let’s face it. Few things are as quotable as the films and TV shows created by Joss Whedon. They’re funny, silly, and sometimes just badass. This week’s episode is all about quotes from the Whedonverse.
Hi, I’m your host, Brian Rollins and this is the Dorky, Geeky, Nerdy Trivia Podcast. This week’s episode is a slightly different format. Instead of questions, I’ll be giving you quotes from TV shows created by or movies directed by Joss Whedon. Ten quotes per round. With three rounds total.
Each round will get harder. In round one, the Dorky round, you’ll have to give me the character that says it. Round two, the Geeky round, you must answer the character and the show or movie. Round three, the Nerdy round, you must answer the character, the show, and the episode.
If you’re the kind of person that wants some rules to play by, either solo or in a group, you can find some at dorkygeekynerdy.com/rules.
Now that the formalities are out of the way, I must ask: Are you a big damn hero? Let’s find out.
The Dorky Round
Name the character who said the quote.
1. “Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!”
2. “I understood that reference.”
3. “Cordelia, your mouth is open, sound is coming from it. This is never good.”
4. “Sorry to barge in. I'm afraid we have a slight apocalypse”
5. “The human mind is like Van Halen. If you just pull out one piece and keep replacing it, it just degenerates.”
6. “Well, as vampires go, you're pretty cuddly. Maybe you might want to think about mixing up the black-on-black a little, though.”
7. “Puny god.”
8. “Actually, he's the boss. I just pay for everything, design everything, make everyone look cooler.”
9. “Time for some thrilling heroics.”
10. “I've seen honest faces before. They usually come attached to liars.”
The Geeky Round
In this round, name the character and the show or movie.
1. “Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle.”
2. “I don't handle rejection well. Funny, considering all the practice I've had, huh?”
3. “I remember everything. Sometimes I'm someone else and then I come back, but I still feel them. All of them. I've been many people. I can hear them, sometimes suddenly. I'm all of them, but none of them is me. Do you know who's real?”
4. “You and I remember Budapest very differently.”
5. “Too much hair!”
6. “I’ve done the whole mind control thing. Not a fan.”
7. “I don't want to use the word genius, but I'd be ok if you wanted to.”
8. “They want me in a submerged, pressurized, metal container?”
9. “We tried to stop her by hitting her fists and feet with our faces, but she got away.”
10. “I had rather hear my dog bark at a crow, than a man swear he loves me.”
The Nerdy Round
Name the character, the show, and the episode. I will be bending the laws of physics to give you more time in this round.
1. “It’s been a big day, what with the abduction and all.”
2. “So, Dawn's in trouble. Must be Tuesday.”
3. “Well, personally, I kinda wanna slay the dragon. Let's go to work.”
4. “Sure, it's humiliating. Having to lie there while the better man refuses to spill your blood. Mercy is the mark of a great man. Guess I'm just a good man. Well, I'm all right.”
5. “My entire existence was constructed by a sociopath in a sweater vest, what do you suggest I do?”
6. “I don't understand. I don't understand how this all happens. How we go through this. I mean I knew her, and then she's, there's just a body, and I don't understand why she can't just get back in it and not be dead anymore.”
7. “Yeah, Buffy. What are we gonna do now?”
8. “Okay, so he survived an unspeakable hell dimension -- I mean, who hasn't? But you can't just leave him all alone on the streets of Los Angeles!”
9. “Are you asking me to dance?”
10. “This is gonna be one of those talks where I do the all the talking, isn't it?”
Episode Conclusion
Well, that’s a wrap on our first Quotable episode. You’ll hear these from time to time. If you have a suggestion for a topic, quotable or otherwise, hit us up at dorkygeekynerdy.com. You can find links to follow us on social media or just send us a message. You can also subscribe to the podcast or newsletter to stay up-to-date on episodes.
I’m your host, Brian Rollins. Keep flying and thanks for listening.
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Hosted & Written by Brian Rollins
Music by Kevin MacLeod
Copyright 2019-2024 by Brian Rollins
This podcast was released under a Creative Commons, Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives 4.0 International license. Permission denied for use in AI training.
No power in the ‘Verse will stop me from enjoying this. Thanks!