Thirty episodes! And it’s way past time we hit Star Trek again. This time, it’s the series that brought the franchise back to TV. Plus, with the new Picard series coming soon, it’s good to catch up with the Captain, Riker, Data, and all the rest. Let’s get started with Star Trek: The Next Generation Trivia this week.
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Episode Introduction
We’re back to boldly going, but this time, it’s where no ONE has gone before.
Hey gang, I’m your host Brian Rollins and this is the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. Every week, we offer you thirty questions on a variety of geeky topics. It’s been 20 episodes since we last went into the final frontier and it Episode 30 felt like a great time to come back to the franchise.
If you’re new to the show, welcome aboard. You find rules and score sheets on our website, DorkyGeekyNerdy.com.
That enough of a briefing, it’s time to head out. Engage.
The Dorky Round
1. Next Gen debuted in what year?
2. Which letter designation was used for the Next Generation Enterprise?
3. Which technology famously broke down when story ideas were needed?
4. What hair accessory became a famously uncomfortable piece of wardrobe?
5. While Jean-Luc Picard enrolled in Starfleet, what industry did most of the Picard family work in?
6. Which crew member was transformed into Locutus of Borg?
7. Which series creator is also known as 'The Great Bird of the Galaxy'?
8. Which character's death resulted in Worf's promotion to head of security?
9. What actor played three different characters in one episode?
10. The new Enterprise had what emergency combat feature not available in previous ships?
The Geeky Round
1. Which core cast member was named after a deceased fan?
[toggle title="2. Which members of the bridge crew have evil doppelgangers?"]Picard (via his clone, Shinzon), Data (via Lore) and arguably Riker (via transporter duplicate Thomas Riker)
3. Which cast member would have been fired had Gates McFadden not chosen to quit?
4. Which episode served as the directorial debut of Jonathan Frakes?
5. Which crew member was once possessed by the spirit of her grandmother's lover?
6. Which performers reprised roles played on the original series for The Next Generation?
7. Which real life physicist once had a cameo as himself?
8. Who composed the theme music for the series?
9. Tasha Yar came back from the dead in what episode?
10. Captain Picard's personal shuttle was named what?
The Nerdy Round
1. Known as 'The First Lady of Star Trek', who played Lwaxana Troi?
2. Which technology, most closely associated with Next Generation, actually made its first appearance in 'The Practical Joker' from the animated series?
3. Who made his directorial debut with the episode 'Rascals'?
4. Which Next Generation regular cast members also appear on Star Trek: Enterprise?
5. Which regular cast member of Babylon 5 had a recurring role in Star Trek: The Next Generation?
6. What modulation frequency do the deflector shield operate on?
7. Which crew member figured out a way to transport through deflector shields?
8. Which character was named after the series creator?
9. When he realized this set wasn't going to be built for the pilot, Gene Roddenberry added a scene in what part of the Enterprise?
10. Who is Alexander's mother?
Episode Conclusion
Well, did you Make it so this week? We’ll be back to Star Trek in the future, so be sure to subscribe to all our episodes. You can find links on DorkyGeekyNerdy.com. If you’re already a subscriber, please take a moment to rate on your podcast directory of choice. It helps to get more folks interested in the show.
You can also support the podcast by checking out the book of the week. This week, we’re featuring the Illustrated Guide to the Enterprise. It’s a hardcover book covering the history and operations of the ship that Captain Picard and crew call home. You find this book and others at dorkygeekynerdy.com/book.
We’ll be back next week with more fun questions. Speaking of which, here’s your clue:
“Released in July 1998, what fantasy book’s cover featured a blue Ford Anglia”
Once again, I’m your host, Brian Rollins. Thanks for listening.
Episode Feedback
Hosted & Written by Brian Rollins
Music by Kevin MacLeod
Copyright 2019-2025 by Brian Rollins
This podcast is copyright 2025 Brian Rollins. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to redistribute but not to be altered or used for AI training.
Now I want to rewatch the series. Thanks! 😉
Love old shows like this!