Trivia. Trivia is what brings us together today. Princess Bride Trivia, to be exact. We’ve got thirty questions from that fantasy classic. You know it, you love it. Let’s do this.
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Extra Credit Podcasts & Videos
- The Princess Bride Minute
- Two by Two: The Princess Bride Podcast
- The Princess Bride Reunion (From 2011)
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Episode Transcript/Quiz
Episode Intro
Twiwia. Twiwa is what bwings us togevver today.
Hey gang, I’m your host, Brian Rollins and this is episode 157 of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. This week, we’re heading back to the 80s for a classic film. A story of fencing, fighting, betrayal, and true love. I’m talking of course of the masterpiece, The Princess Bride.
Like all our past episodes, it’s three rounds of ten questions each. A Dorky Round, A Geeky Round, and a Nerdy Round. If you want rules or score cards, visit the show’s website at DorkyGeekyNerdy.com.
On the site, you can also score some geek swag like shirts and mugs. It helps keep the show afloat.
That covers the basics, so let’s begin our story. Once Upon a Time there was…
The Dorky Round
1. Who directed The Princess Bride?
2. What does R O U S stand for?
3. How many fingers does Count Rugen have?
4. What are the names of the two nations on the brink of war in the film?
5. Instead of a duel to the death, Westley challenges Humperdink to what?
6. Though Robin Wright is credited as 'The Princess Bride', what is her character's actual name?
7. What veteran actor played The Grandfather?
8. After being lost at sea, who is blamed for killing Westley?
9. Who says, 'You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.'?
10. Where is the poison hidden?
The Geeky Round
1. What NBA star was initially offered the role of Fezzik?
2. What was Inigo Montoya's father's occupation?
3. Florin and Guilder are names of a coin from what country?
4. What actor said they have a line from this movie quoted back to them by strangers two or three times a day?
5. What future star of 'The Wonder Years' played The Grandson?
6. What's the name of Miracle Max's wife?
7. Finish the line: 'Life is pain, Highness.'
8. Who played Prince Humperdink?
9. Who played the villainous Vizzini?
10. The Princess Bride marks the final film appearance of Willoughby Gray who played who in the movie?
The Nerdy Round
1. Who wrote the book, The Princess Bride?
2. Peter Cook is credited as what character in the film?
3. Who introduced director Rob Reiner to the book?
4. Miracle Max declares that Westley is in what state when first brought to him?
5. Though Christopher Guest plays a Count in the film, in real life, he holds what title of nobility?
6. In the movie, who wrote 'The Princess Bride'?
7. According to Miracle Max, what can you do if someone is all dead?
8. Finish the line: 'Good night, Westley. Good work. Sleep well.'
9. When the script was shopped around in the 1970s, who wanted to play the role of Fezzik?
10. In the book, there are no shrieking eels. What aquatic danger threatens Buttercup in book?
Episode Conclusion
And we are done. I hope you had fun. If you didn’t know all the answers, what better excuse do you need than that to watch the movie again. Never watched it? Go. Just go watch it. Seriously. Few movies are as universally loved as this one.
We’ll be back again next week with thirty more trivia questions and answers. Here’s a clue for you to stew on in the meantime.
What super villain team first appeared in September 1959?
One last comic book trivia episode before we end Season Three (which wraps up soon). Season Four will have a common theme for all episodes, something I want to try out.
I’ll see you back here, next Wednesday.
This has been episode 157 of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy trivia podcast. The music has been by Jason Shaw at Audionautix.com. I’m your host, Brian Rollins. When I’m not hiding out in the fire swamps, you can find me at TheVoicesInMyHead.com
Thanks for listening and watch out for those ROUSes, OK?
Episode Feedback
Hosted & Written by Brian Rollins
Music by Jason Shaw
Copyright 2019-2025 by Brian Rollins
This podcast was released under a Creative Commons, Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives 4.0 International license. Permission denied for use in AI training.