It’s Smallest Country Trivia as a bonus episode of Dorky Geeky Nerdy. These countries are small, but they are, by no means, not interesting.
Have you been to any of these nations? Let me know on Spotify or social media. You can also share your score with your fellow Trivia Nerds.
Episode Transcript/Quiz
More geography trivia for this mini episode of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. This time, we’re putting the ten smallest countries on the planet in the spotlight. So, grab your map and a magnifying glass and let’s get going.
- Measuring only 0.27 sq miles, what is the smallest country on the planet?
- Vatican City
- Sharing only a border with France and the Mediterranean Sea, what’s the second smallest country?
- Monaco
- What island nation was formerly called Pleasant Island before it broke away from Australia in 1968?
- Nauru
- Made up of nine islands totaling 10 square miles in Oceania, what nation has no drinkable groundwater?
- Tuvalu
- What nation is completely surrounded by Italy and claims to be the oldest state in Europe?
- San Marino
- Located between Switzerland and Austria, what nation abolished its military in 1868?
- Liechtenstein
- Located halfway between Hawaii and Australia, what island nation separated from the US in 1978?
- The Marshall Islands
- Becoming independent from the UK in 1983, what is the smallest nation in the Americas?
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- What nation, made up of over 100 islands, is located northeast of Madagascar?
- Seychelles
- Though it has 1190 islands, only two hundred of what nation are actually occupied?
- Maldives
How’s you do? These countries are small, but they are, by no means, not interesting. Have you been to any of these nations? Let me know on Spotify or social media. You can also share your score with your fellow Trivia Nerds.
This has been the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. You can find out more about the show at
The music is by Jason Shaw at
The show was written, produced, and hosted by me, Brian Rollins. Come find me at
Thanks for listening.
Hosted & Written by Brian Rollins
Music by Jason Shaw
Copyright 2019-2024 by Brian Rollins
This podcast was released under a Creative Commons, Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives 4.0 International license. Permission denied for use in AI training.