Well, the new Wonder Woman movie, Wonder Woman 1984, will come out…eventually. Until then, here’s some trivia to tide you over. Or wait and listen when the movie is closer to its release date. OR, listen now and then play it with your friends on the way to the theater and you’ll be a Wonder Woman expert! That’s right, it’s time for Wonder Woman Trivia.
Wonder Woman is the prototype for all women comic book characters and it is way past time we paid her some homage. What are your favorite female comic book characters? Anyone we should cover in an episode of Dorky Geeky Nerdy?
Update: So the movie is out! Finally! Let us know what you thought of Wonder Woman 1984. We might add more questions to another Wonder Woman trivia (or DC Comics) episode in the future. Are there any other heroes that you’d like to see us tackle in future episodes?
We are still running our Listener Survey, so take a second and fill it out when you’re done with the show (we don’t collect any personal info, we promise).
Take a moment to fill out this week’s feedback. It’s two questions and will take you less time to answer than it will take to read this paragraph. It helps us determine if the difficulty is just right and what topics you all like and dislike. Thanks!
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Need to see the movie!!!
I am so pumped for the new movie!