One more trip to Hogwarts with the sixth book in the Harry Potter series. How well do you know your Half-Blood Prince trivia?
Well. we’ve got thirty fun questions to test your knowledge of the penultimate Harry Potter book. What was your favorite part of this book? You can share your opinions in the comments section here or join us on Facebook, Twitter, or Reddit.
When you’re done with Half-Blood Prince trivia, take a moment to fill out our super-short, two question feedback form. It helps us to understand if the questions are too easy, too hard, or just right. We also use that information to determine which topics you like best (and which the least). It goes a long way to helping us improve the show.
Play some Harry Potter Trivia at home with a new (or gently used) board game or book. In our house, we’re huge fans of the Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit.
Extra Credit Podcasts & Videos
- Potterless Podcast: Half-Blood Prince
- Harry Potter and the Sacred Text
- Alohomora Podcast: Half-Blood Prince
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Binging the HP episodes are getting me through quarantine.
.thanks for sharing.