Do you hear the people sing? Singing the songs of angry men? It’s time for French Revolution Trivia.
This Sunday marks the 230th anniversary of the storming of the Bastille, in Paris, France. A huge moment in the French Revolution. The week, we’re diving into the sordid and bloody affair with thirty trivia questions that are sure to challenge you.
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Episode Introduction
Do you hear the people sing? Singing the songs of angry men?
This Sunday marks the 230th anniversary of the storming of the Bastille, a pivotal moment in one of the bloodiest revolutions in human history.
Bon jour. I’m your host, Brian Rollins and this is the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia podcast. This week, we’re wading into the French Revolution in honor of Bastille Day. Just like always, you’ll be given three rounds of ten questions each.
If you need rules or score cards, head over to DorkyGeekyNerdy.com. You’ll also find links to follow us on Social Media or subscribe to receive updates on new episodes.
Looks like the crowd is getting angry and they’re sharpening up the guillotine. Let’s get going, shall we?
The Dorky Round
1. Who was known as 'The Sun King?'
2. How did Louis XIV die?
3. What unpopular woman had such colorful nicknames as: Madamme Chienne, Madam Deficit, and the Austrian Whore?
4. What French aristocrat, famous for his liberal sexual views, had been removed from the Bastille mere days before it was stormed?
5. What was the relationship between Louis XVI and Louis XVIII?
6. One of the events leading up to the French Revolution was the Seven Years’ War. It was fought between two coalitions. One was led by France and the other was led by which empire?
7. The upper class of France were commonly associated with what article of clothing?
8. What change to the system of weights and measures was implemented in France in 1790s?
9. What political labels, still in use today, were coined during the French Revolution?
10. Who was the US Minister to France during the start of the Revolution?
The Geeky Round
1. During the Revolution, 1/4 of women aged 15-35 earned some income from what occupation?
2. France’s first national zoo was populated by animals taken from what palace?
3. A feudal obligation of unpaid labor was called what, in France?
4. Who said, 'The vessel of the Revolution can arrive in port only on a sea reddened with torrents of blood'?
5. Who was given the nickname, 'The Incorruptible' by his peers?
6. Even though disguised as a servant, Louis XVI was recognized while trying to flee the country. What gave him away?
7. What 1789 document would serve as the model for 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
8. Which group took 'The Tennis Court Oath' in 1789?
9. Napoleon Bonaparte initially served in what part of the French Army?
10. The Thermidorian Reaction and the execution of Robespierre marked the end of what 10-month period?
The Nerdy Round
1. What was Voltaire’s real name?
2. One of the causes of the Revolution was lower-than-normal temperatures that caused crops to fail. What was the cause of the temperature drop?
3. Beheaded for treason in 1794, chemist Antoine Lavoisier is notable for creating what scientific table?
4. Louis XIII through the XVI are members of what royal house?
5. Who wrote, 'Man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains'?
6. The gabelle was a tax on what?
7. Germinal, Thermidor, and Fructidor are all what?
8. Where was Jean-Paul Marat when he was murdered?
9. The current French National anthem was composed and became popular during the Revolution. What’s the song’s name?
10. How many prisoners were liberated from the Bastille when it was stormed?
Episode Conclusion
Did you escape the mob unscathed? Good. This week’s book of the week is “Living the French Revolution and the Age of Napoleon” It’s a fascinating look into life during the revolution and afterward. You can check it out at dorkygeekynerdy.com/book along with other books of the week.
We’re also including some “Extra Credit” sections on each episode’s show notes where you can find podcasts that fit the week’s topic. I picked up a trove of info about the French Revolution from Mike Duncan’s Revolutions podcast. He’s covered revolutions from the American to the Haitian and beyond. It’s excellently written and Mike’s a great host. You’ll find a link to his show on this week’s episode page.
Next week, we’re celebrating a huge milestone in world history. Here’s your hint:
“Which event celebrates its 50th anniversary on July 20, 2019?”
I’m your host Brian Rollins. Blaine will be your guest host next week, so be on your best behavior. As always, thanks for listening.