It’s our first episode in the Pacific Northwest. This week, we tackle Idaho Trivia for our 169th episode of Dorky Geeky Nerdy. While not nearly as populous as other states, Idaho makes up for it with natural beauty and a variety of resources. Let’s dive into our episode this week and see how well you do with Idaho Trivia.
Update 2022-04-26: Sorry for the awful quality on this episode. I did not realize it was so hot before. I’ve cleaned it up and reduced the volume to a more palatable level. If you tried to listen to it before and ran off screaming, try it again. Thanks!
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Episode Transcript/Quiz
Episode Intro
Time to visit the Pacific Northwest. Hey gang, I’m your host, Brian Rollins and this is episode 169 of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. For this week’s show, we’re visiting the great state of Idaho.
As per tradition, we have thirty trivia questions, broken up into three rounds. I’ve tried my best to sort them into Easy, Intermediate, and Hard. If you think they aren’t at the right difficulty, let me know. If you do, also, let me know. There’s a built-in feedback form on each and every episode’s web page on DorkyGeekyNerdy.com. It’s quick, easy, and anonymous. No email or login required.
That covers the basics for the show, so let’s get started.
The Dorky Round
1. Idaho is responsible for 1/3 of America's production of what crop?
2. Settlers flocked to Idaho in the 1860s looking for what mineral?
3. What 2004 comedy starring Jon Heder took place and was filmed in Franklin County, Idaho?
4. What two states border Idaho to the west?
5. Idaho shares its longest border with what state?
6. The Idaho Statehouse uses what green energy to warm it?
7. What massive National Park has its North West corner in Idaho?
8. What river flows through southern Idaho and becomes a major tributary to the Columbia River?
9. What president signed the bill making Idaho a territory in 1863?
10. A 20 carat what was found near McCall, ID?
The Geeky Round
1. What is the capital of Idaho?
2. What is the official nickname of Idaho?
3. Meryl Streep and David Strathairn starred in what Idaho-based adventure thriller in 1994?
4. River Phoenix & Keanu Reeves starred in what 1991 film?
5. What Breaking Bad star hails from Emmett, Idaho?
6. What former Alaska governor and vice-presidential candidate is from Sandpoint, Idaho?
7. What Canadian province borders Idaho to the North?
8. The current USS Idaho is what type of vessel?
9. Though landlocked, Idaho contains one seaport. Where is it located?
10. Filmed in Idaho, what was the highest grossing western film of the 1980s?
The Nerdy Round
1. Emma Edwards Green is the only woman to have done what?
2. What Idaho-born actress received an Academy Award nomination for her role as Constance MacKenzie in Peyton Place?
3. What Idahoan married Walt Disney in 1925?
4. Born in Lewiston, ID, what TV writer & producer created Dead Like Me, Wonderfalls, and Pushing Daisies?
5. How many US states border Idaho?
6. What 1997 disaster movie, starring Pierce Brosnan and Linda Hamilton, was filmed in Wallace, ID?
7. Clint Eastwood directed and starred in what 1980 comedy, set in Idaho?
8. What is the deepest river gorge in North America?
9. What author is buried in Ketchum, Idaho after he died there in 1961?
10. What animal is on the US quarter honoring Idaho?
Episode Conclusion
And we are done with Idaho. While I’ve been to every state around it, I haven’t made it to Idaho. Yet. It looks gorgeous and I definitely want to visit. If you’re an Idahoan, please drop me a note and let me know what I absolutely must-see when I get there.
I’ll be back again, next week with yet another state and another thirty questions. Here’s a clue:
The first telephone call was made in what US state?
Take a sec and puzzle that one out, if you don’t know it right off the top of your head. I’ll see you back here next Wednesday.
This has been episode 169 of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. The music has been by Jason Shaw. Check out his other work at Audionautix.com. I’m your host, Brian Rollins. Visit me at TheVoicesInMyHead.com.
Thanks for listening.
Episode Feedback
Hosted & Written by Brian Rollins
Music by Jason Shaw
Copyright 2019-2025 by Brian Rollins
This podcast is copyright 2025 Brian Rollins. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to redistribute but not to be altered or used for AI training.