History class is back in session, folks. Are you ready? This week, we are heading way back for some Ancient Rome Trivia. I’ve let you all slack off this Summer, so it’s time to hit the books and delve into some ancient history with our show this week.
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Episode Intro
History class is back in session, folks. Are you ready?
This week, we’re heading back to Ancient Rome for this week’s episode of Dorky Geeky Nerdy. Hey gang, I’m your host Brian Rollins. It’s been a while since we’ve had a full-on history episode and as Summer wanes, it seems like a good time to get your brains back into shape.
As always, it’s thirty questions broken up into three rounds. If you need rules or a score card, visit us at DorkyGeekyNerdy.com.
That covers the ceremonials, so let’s get started.
The Dorky Round
1. According to legend, what is the name of the twins that founded Rome?
2. Who is considered the first Roman Emperor?
3. What Emperor was later accused of fiddling while Rome burned?
4. Who was the first Roman Emperor to convert to Christianity?
5. The ancient city of Rome was built on seven what?
6. Pompeii was destroyed in 79 AD when what volcano erupted?
7. What was the main language of Ancient Rome?
8. What Roman general committed suicide along with Cleopatra?
9. Romans are credited with creating codex, the first form of what?
10. By 200 AD, the Romans had made 50,000 miles of what?
The Geeky Round
1. Julius Caesar's crossing of what river has become a metaphor for a 'point of no return'?
2. What Emperor got his name from the Latin for 'Little Boot'?
3. The Roman Mile was how many paces?
4. The largest Roman archeological feature in Britain is what?
5. The 200 years of prosperity that began with Augustus' reign are known as what?
6. What major river flows through the city of Rome?
7. What people famously sacked Rome in 410 AD?
8. Ancient Romans mixed slaked lime with volcanic ash to make what?
9. This is episode 135 of the show. How would you write 135 in Roman numerals?
10. Only the Emperor or High Officials could wear what color?
The Nerdy Round
1. The Roman Empire reached its largest under what emperor?
2. While Hadrian's Wall is located in modern England, where is the Antonine Wall?
3. Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire under what emperor?
4. What day is the Ides of March?
5. The First Punic War was fought between Rome and what other city-state?
6. Julius Caesar along with Pompey and Crassus made up the what?
7. What legislation is considered the foundation of Roman law?
8. The Romans produced an 'Acta Diurna', considered one of the first what?
9. It seems the Romans had a god or goddess for everything. What was Crepitus the god of?
10. The Colosseum was built by slaves from what Roman province?
Episode Conclusion
And we are done. Shall there be a tribute in your honor or is it off to the coliseum to entertain the masses? Either way, I hope you had fun and learned something. We’ll be back here next week for more trivia fun.
Speaking of, here’s a clue for next week’s show:
What decade brought us cartoons based on Dungeons & Dragons, Mr. T, and Rambo?
Cartoons and trivia. Always a popular mix here at DGN.
This has been episode 135 of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy trivia podcast. The music has been by Jason Shaw at Audionautix.com. I’m your host, Brian Rollins. You can find me and my other work at TheVoicesInMyHead.com. Speaking of other works, if you’re a fan of True Crime, be sure to check out my latest audiobook narration, Murder Times Six by Alan R. Warren. It’s the true story of the Wells Gray Murders in Canada during the mid 1980s. It’s my first nonfiction narration and I’m pretty proud of it. You can find it on Audible.com, just search for Murder Times Six.
See you next week and thanks for listening.
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Hosted & Written by Brian Rollins
Music by Jason Shaw
Copyright 2019-2025 by Brian Rollins
This podcast was released under a Creative Commons, Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives 4.0 International license. Permission denied for use in AI training.