The adventure doesn’t end on the small screen. This week, we’re heading into the theaters (remember those?) with Star Trek: The Generation Movie Trivia. Specifically, Star Trek movies 7 through 10.
That just leaves us with the new Star Trek movies that started in 2009. Stay tuned for those in a future episode.
When you’re done touring the galaxy with Picard, Riker, Data and Star Trek: The Next Generation Movie Trivia, please take a few moments to drop us a little feedback with the form below. We could also use your review at Podchaser. It helps folks to find us and lets them know how much fun we’re having every week.
Next week, we’ll have a feel-good episode to follow up our Next Generation Movie Trivia. Come on back next Wednesday.
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Episode Transcript/Quiz
Episode Intro
Space. The not-quite final frontier. These are the voyages of the Next Generation crew as they move from the small screen to the big one.
Hey gang, I’m Brian Rollins and this is episode 117 of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy trivia podcast. Last year, we covered Star Trek movies 1-6. This week, it’s the Next Gen crew’s chance with movies 7-10.
Like always, we’ve got three rounds of ten questions each. Each round gets harder than the one before. If you need rules, score cards, or want to find out more about the show, visit us at DorkyGeekyNerdy.com.
That covers the basics, so let’s get to the questions.
The Dorky Round
1. What cast member directed two of the four Next Generation movies?
2. The filming model for the Enterprise-B is simply a redress of what other ship's model?
3. What ship was scripted to be destroyed in the Borg battle at the beginning of Star Trek: First Contact but was saved at the last minute?
4. What was the first Star Trek movie to receive a PG-13 rating in the US?
5. What song does Data sing at Troi & Riker's wedding?
6. Alice Krige played what Star Trek villain?
7. What actor had 'Time is the fire in which we burn' engraved on a pocket watch?
8. What Star Trek: Voyager character makes a cameo in First Contact?
9. In what movie do we first get to meet the Remans?
10. Majel Barrett reprises what role from Star Treks 1-6 in movies 7-10?
The Geeky Round
1. Who directed Star Trek: Generations?
2. Who was the first actor to say the words, 'Star Trek' in a Star Trek movie or show?
3. What was the name given to the Captain's Yacht in Insurrection?
4. What movie marked Jerry Goldsmith's final film score?
5. What was the name of the Enterprise's dune buggy?
6. After the events in Nemesis, Riker takes command of what starship?
7. What director kept forgetting the characters' names and referred to LeVar Burton as Laverne?
8. What is the first Star Trek movie to not feature any scenes on or near the Earth?
9. What is the name of Shinzon's massive battleship?
10. What song does Zephram Cochrane play during the launch of the Phoenix?
The Nerdy Round
1. Dennis McCarthy, who composed the theme for Deep Space Nine, also wrote the score for what Star Trek movie?
2. For Generations, Jonathan Frakes is wearing what other actor's costume?
3. What nickname was given to Jonathan Frakes during First Contact?
4. The Maitre d' on the holodeck during First Contact was played by who?
5. What is the date that Vulcans make First Contact with humanity?
6. Marina Sirtis admitted she fell asleep during what movie's premiere?
7. Picard, Worf, and Data sing a selection from what Gilbert & Sullivan operetta?
8. Patrick Stewart wanted what actor to portray Admiral Dougherty?
9. In a deleted scene from Nemesis, who takes over as first officer of the Enterprise?
10. Who played the Defiant's Conn officer in First Contact?
Episode Conclusion
And that’s it for this week’s questions. We’ve got three more Star Trek movies to cover, so stay tuned for at least one more Star Trek episode. We’ll be back again next Wednesday for more trivia games. Here’s your clue for what’s coming next week:
“What do Oskar Schindler, William Kyle Carpenter, and Candy Lightner all have in common?”
A new type of topic we haven’t had before, but one that should be uplifting.
This has been episode 117 of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. The music has been by Jason Shaw at audionautix.com. I’m your host, Brian Rollins. Thanks for listening.
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Hosted & Written by Brian Rollins
Music by Jason Shaw
Copyright 2019-2025 by Brian Rollins
This podcast was released under a Creative Commons, Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives 4.0 International license. Permission denied for use in AI training.