Tomorrow is April Fool’s Day and, for a little humor, we’re diving into the life and works of that master of parody, Weird Al Yankovic. That’s right, thirty questions of Weird Al Trivia.
From the mid-80s through today, Al Yankovic has been delighting kids (and kids-at-heart) with his tunes. This week, we dive into his songs and his career.
In site news, we broke 40,000 downloads last week! Thank you to everyone who’s listening and who’s helping to spread the word. We really appreciate it!
When you’re done with Weird Al Trivia, take a second to fill out our super short, two question survey below. It’s a huge help in getting us information on what shows you like and what you think about the difficulty.
Bonus: Spotify Playlist
Want more Weird Al? We’ve put together a playlist of some of the songs mentioned in today’s show.
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Episode Transcript/Quiz
Episode Intro
Tomorrow is April Fools and no joking, we’ve got a great show to prepare for it.
Hey gang, this is Brian Rollins and you’re listening to the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. This week, we’re honoring that master of parody, Weird Al Yankovic. He’s funny and topical, with hits released from the 80s through 2014 (and hopefully beyond).
If you’re new to Dorky Geeky Nerdy, welcome aboard. We offer three rounds of ten questions apiece. Each round gets a little harder than the one before. If you need rules or a score card, head over to the show’s website, DorkyGeekyNerdy.com. From there you can also find other episodes to fill your trivia hunger.
That’s enough intro, so let’s get the show rolling with…
The Dorky Round
1. Yankovic started playing what instrument at the age of 7?
2. What artist refused to give permission for the 1996 parody, “Amish Paradise”?
3. What radio show helped to launch Weird Al's career in the 80's?
4. “Eat It” lists two songwriters, Yankovic and who else?
5. Weird Al starred in what 1989 movie?
6. 2014's “Tacky” parodies what popular song?
7. Weird Al's first album was self-titled. What was the title of his second?
8. “Jurassic Park” was a parody of what 1968 song?
9. Yankovic details his love for a certain flavor of ice cream in what Joan Jett parody?
10. I Love Lucy was the subject of what 1983 song?
The Geeky Round
1. Weird Al covered the entire plot of The Phantom Menace in what 1999 song?
2. Though not written for the movie, what 1986 film featured the song, “Dare to be Stupid”.
3. What was Weird Al's first recorded song?
4. What song was recorded live with only an accordion and the accordion's case as percussion?
5. In what song does Yankovic act as moderator for the 2020 US presidential debate?
6. In what song does Weird Al try to educate people on proper English?
7. Backstreet Boys, 'I Want it That Way” became a spoof of what website?
8. MC Hammer got the Weird Al treatment with what 1992 song?
9. A clip from The Simpsons episode “Blood Feud” shows up in what song?
10. The album cover for Off the Deep End parodies what Nirvana album?
The Nerdy Round
1. Yankovic first got his “Weird Al” nickname while at what school?
2. Yankovic covered what iconic TV theme song on his album, Dare to be Stupid?
3. What is the longest song ever recorded by Weird Al?
4. What drummer has been with Yankovic since the early 80's?
5. What two members of Dire Straits played on the parody, ”Money for Nothing/Beverly Hillbillies*”?
6. Greg Kihn has a cameo in the video for what Weird Al song?
7. Comedians Key & Peele make a cameo in what 2006 music video?
8. What song was initially not going to be released on the 2011 album, Alpocalypse so it was released on YouTube instead?
9. What Weird Al song is a spoof and a mash up of two different Red Hot Chili Peppers songs?
10. A game show hostess features in what song from Weird Al's Even Worse album?
Episode Conclusion
And done. How’d you like this one? I think this may be our first musical artist-specific show. Let me know what artists we should do next. Speaking of next, here’s your clue for next week.
What decade gave us Bohemian Rhapsody, Hotel California, and Staying Alive?
Another music show. It’s Spring and vaccines are rolling out. It’s time for playing something loud and enjoying ourselves. I’ll see you back here next week.
This has been episode 114 of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. The music has been by Jason Shaw at Audionautix.com. I’m your host, Brian Rollins. Thanks for listening.
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Hosted & Written by Brian Rollins
Music by Jason Shaw
Copyright 2019-2025 by Brian Rollins
This podcast is copyright 2025 Brian Rollins. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to redistribute but not to be altered or used for AI training.