Thirty episodes! And it’s way past time we hit Star Trek again. This time, it’s the series that brought the franchise back to TV.
Quiz #20 | Harry Potter & The Sorcerer’s Stone
If you haven’t seen them lately, there are Quizzes available, built from past episodes. These are text-only versions of Dorky Geeky Nerdy trivia games that you can play without a time limit (and without headphones).
29 | Same Name Trivia
This week, we’re doing something different. Each question has two answers that share a name.
Quiz #19 | The Science of Physics
Based on our wildly popular Episode 19, we’re heading into the beyond with Physics. How well do you know your waves and particles? Dive into thirty trivia questions and see how you score.
28 | The Legend of Zelda Trivia
Grab your sword, hookshot, shield, and korok leaf, it’s time to head into Hyrule, find the Triforce, and rescue Princess Zelda.
27 | The X-Files Trivia
The truth is out there and it’s hidden in thirty X-Files trivia questions in this week’s episode of Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. Hosted by Blaine Dowler.
26 | Fine Arts Trivia
Break out the paint brushes, chisels, sheet music, and drafting tools, it’s time to get some art in our lives.
25 | Astronomy Trivia
Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo XI moon landing with some Astronomy trivia.
24 | French Revolution Trivia
This Sunday marks the 230th anniversary of the storming of the Bastille, in Paris, France. A huge moment in the French Revolution.
23 | Spider-Man Trivia
Get ready for Far From Home with thirty trivia questions about everyone’s favorite wall-crawling super hero, Peter Parker aka Spider-Man.