We love a good TV Theme song. Especially when they’re catchy and singable. Well, this week’s minisode is all about them. I’ll give you the title of the theme song, you just tell me the show it was used for.
When you’re done with the episode, let me know what’s your favorite TV theme song.
Episode Transcript/Quiz
We love a good TV Theme song. Especially when they’re catchy and singable. Well, this week’s minisode is all about them. I’ll give you the title of the theme song, you just tell me the show it was used for. Got it? Good. Let’s go.
- I’ll Be There For You by The Rembrandts
- Friends
- Believe It Or Not by Joey Scarbury
- The Greatest American Hero
- Where Everybody Knows Your Name by Gary Portnoy
- Cheers
- Thank You For Being A Friend by Cindy Fee
- Golden Girls
- Movin’ On Up by Ja’net Du Boise
- The Jeffersons
- Where You Lead by Carol King and Louise Goffin
- Gilmore Girls
- Everywhere You Look by Jesse Frederick
- Full House
- Boss of Me by They Might Be Giants
- Malcolm in the Middle
- Superman by Lazlo Bane
- Scrubs
- Think! By Merv Griffin
- Jeopardy!
How’d you do? Hopefully not too bad. Let me know what TV theme song I missed and it’ll make an appearance in a later minisode. Be sure to boast about your killer score (or complain about how badly you did) on Facebook or Twitter.
This has been the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. You can find out more about the show at DorkyGeekyNerdy.com. The music is by Jason Shaw at Audionautix.com.
The show was written, produced, and hosted by me, Brian Rollins. Come find me at TheVoicesInMyHead.com.
Thanks for listening.
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