To infinity and beyond! This week, it’s Toy Story trivia.
We had a Pixar episode way back last year, but it’s time to dive into the film that made Pixar what it is and its three sequels. The original Toy Story movie is a masterpiece that changed how we look at computer animated movies and animated movies in general. We laughed, we cried, and we cheered for Woody, Buzz, and all of Andy’s toys.
What are your thoughts on the Toy Story series? Feel free to leave us a comment to tell us your favorite Toy Story movie, character, or moment. Or, maybe it’s the music that gets you.
Do your best and, when you’re done, plop the family down for a nice movie marathon for the holidays.
Also, when you’re done with Toy Story trivia, zip down to the short listener survey at the bottom of the page. That helps us keep the show interesting and the difficulty level ‘just right’ for you.
You can also drop us a line here or on Facebook or Twitter to send your feedback and suggestions for future episodes. We’re always on the lookout for new ideas to improve the show.
Your clue for next week’s episode:
What secret agent was named after an ornithologist?
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Episode Transcript/Quiz
Episode Introduction
To infinity and beyond? Why not.
Hey gang, this is episode 95 of the dorky geeky nerdy trivia podcast. I’m your host, Brian Rollins. This week, we’re diving into four of the most popular animated movies of all time, the Toy Story franchise.
If you’re new around these parts, welcome. We’re a weekly trivia show with thirty questions on a given topic. Every week, a new topic and new questions. Think of us as your own private trivia game. Play by yourself with a group of friends (while still remaining socially distant). One person wrote in and said they were playing the show via a screenshare on Zoom with their family.
You can find out more at dorkygeekynerdy.com. I’ll also have a link to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. If you want to do something to honor Alex Trebek, please consider donating. I like to think it’s a way to let his family know how much Alex meant to us. You can find links to donate at PanCan.org.
I think that covers just about everything, so let’s get going with the show.
The Dorky Round
1. Who directed the first Toy Story movie?
2. John Ratzenberger has voiced a character in every Pixar film. Who does he voice in the Toy Story movies?
3. Blake Clark replaced who as the voice of Slinky Dog in Toy Story 3?
4. Which is the only Toy Story movie to be nominated for a Best Picture Oscar?
5. Who is Buzz Lightyear's archenemy?
6. Toy Story Land is located in what amusement park?
7. At the end of Toy Story 3, Andy gives his toys away to who?
8. Which Toy Story movies is the shortest?
9. Who composed the music for all four Toy Story movies?
10. The inconceivably funny Wallace Shawn voices what character in the Toy Story movies?
The Geeky Round
1. The carpet in Sid's house comes from what movie?
2. Toy Story was the first animated movie to be nominated for what Academy Award?
3. Who was originally offered the role of Buzz Lightyear?
4. What comedy duo voiced Ducky and Bunny in Toy Story 4?
5. Which Toy Story movie was the first animated movie to break $1 billion at the box office?
6. Who is the singing voice of Wheezy the Penguin?
7. Duke Kaboom is a spoof of what real-life stunt man?
8. Who sings the tear-jerking song, 'When She Loved Me'?
9. What comedian had his lines recycled from previous movies for his role in Toy Story 4?
10. What short film covered Bo Peep's life between Toy Story 2 and 4?
The Nerdy Round
1. What is Andy's last name?
2. Who directed Toy Story 4?
3. The character, Lotso, was supposed to belong to what real world toy line?
4. What is the first amusement park ride based on characters from the Toy Story movies?
5. What Oscar, Tony, and Emmy nominated actress is the voice of Andy's Mom?
6. What fictional tool company makes a cameo in the first Toy Story movie?
7. In addition to voicing Manny in A Bug's Life, Jonathan Harris voiced what character in Toy Story 2?
8. The Pizza Planet truck appears in every Pixar movie. Where is it in Toy Story 4?
9. Which Toy Story movie won a Best Picture Golden Globe?
10. Who voiced Emperor Zurg?
Episode Conclusion
And that’s it. Sorry, no outtakes as the credits roll. My outtakes aren’t nearly as funny as the ones Pixar puts together. We’ll be back next week with more fun and games. Speaking of which, here’s your clue:
“What secret agent was named after an ornithologist?”
I hope you’re all staying safe and warm. We’re only 5 episodes away from our 100th episode, so be sure stay tuned for that.
This has been the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia podcast. I’m your host, Brian Rollins. The music has been by Jason Shaw at audionautix.com. Thanks for listening and remember, you’ve got a friend in me.
Episode Feedback
Hosted & Written by Brian Rollins
Music by Jason Shaw
Copyright 2019-2025 by Brian Rollins
This podcast is copyright 2025 Brian Rollins. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to redistribute but not to be altered or used for AI training.
These are my favorite movies. They always me cry.