Let’s start 2021 off right, shall we? How about some Feel-Good Movie trivia?
This week, we’re all about feeling good with thirty questions from movies that leave us smiling like big saps as the credits roll. Something funny, touching, or just plain silly makes these movies a nice “comfort food” for watching when times are tough.
We’ll kick this year off by leaving 2020 behind and having a few laughs and and some happy tear. Sound good? Then let’s get to it.
I’m still open to suggestions for shows in 2021. Got a show, movie, comic, or book series we haven’t touched on yet? Suggest it. We’re always excited to hear ideas from fans. Visit the contact page to let us know your ideas.
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Episode Transcript/Quiz
Happy New Year, gang, this is episode 102 of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. I’m host, Brian Rollins. It’s 2021! We made it.
To start the new year off right, I decided to go with something uplifting. Feel Good movies. There isn’t a hard definition for these films, but they’re the kind that leave you with a big, sappy smile on your face as the credits roll. I figured we could use a little of that to kick this year off.
Like in years past, we have three rounds of ten questions each. I ask ‘em and you answer ‘em. Or you try your best to. I think that covers it, so let’s get this show, and the year, started.
The Dorky Round
1. What 1996 movie is a remake of the 1978 farce, La Cage aux Folles?
2. What 1994 movie won 6 Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Director, and Actor?
3. What 1998 film was Lindsay Lohan's first movie?
4. What 1987 movie was remade in 2020 on streaming platform Quibi by celebrity fans of the original?
5. During auditions for what 2001 movie, Anne Hathaway fell out of her chair, cementing her casting?
6. Per her contract, Reese Witherspoon got to keep all her costumes from what 2001 movie?
7. What 1993 Bill Murray movie has become a popular meme for the repetitiveness of 2020?
8. Robert Loggia and Tom Hanks performed their iconic piano number without the aid of doubles in what movie?
9. Julie Andrews became available to film what movie after Jack Warner refused to cast her in My Fair Lady?
10. What movie musical is based on a stage play built around the songs of Abba?
The Geeky Round
1. Anna Wintour, the editor at Vogue, was the inspiration for the title character in what 2006 movie?
2. What is the first Pixar film to feature a human protagonist?
3. Despite her Oscar nomination, Viola Davis feels bad about appearing in what 2011 movie?
4. Whoopi Goldberg hired Carrie Fischer to rewrite her dialog in what 1992 film?
5. In Australia, what 2004 movie's title was changed to 'Suddenly 30'?
6. Will Smith starred alongside his real-life son Jaden in what 2006 movie?
7. Jane Austen's 'Emma' was adapted into what 1995 movie?
8. The coat the Prof. Marvel wears in The Wizard of Oz originally belonged to who?
9. Because they were too expensive to rent, three Ferrari replicas were built for what 1986 movie?
10. What 2002 romantic comedy made over 61 times its production budget at the box office?
The Nerdy Round
1. In addition to playing villains on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Eliza Dushku and Clare Kramer appeared together in what 2000 film?
2. Lana Condor wrote all the letters that appear in what 2018 movie?
3. What 2003 movie was adapted into a stage musical by Andrew Lloyd Weber in 2015?
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5. What title character's accent was inspired by Bill Forsythe, Margret Thatcher, and Julia Child?
6. What 2011 movie is the highest grossing R-rated, female comedy of all time?
7. What 1989 Sally Field movie is based on a play by Robert Harling?
8. In Grease, what song was written and recorded after the filming was initially wrapped?
9. After the production of It's a Wonderful Life, the RKO Effects Department won a special Oscar for the development of what?
10. Michael Arndt had to quit his job as Matthew Broderick's assistant to write what 2006 comedy?
And we are done. This is the first of at least 52 episodes for 2021. I’ll start Season Three in late February. If you have suggestions for topics in the next season, drop me line at DorkyGeekyNerdy.com. I haven’t filled out the entire season yet, so I’m open to hearing about anything I might have missed.
We’ll be back next Wednesday for more trivia fun. Here’s your clue for next week:
“What iconic superhero was created by a pair of high school students in 1933?”
I feel a little silly we haven’t touched on this before. I’ll have a lot more comic book characters in the coming year to make up for that omission.
This has been episode 102 of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. I’m your host, Brian Rollins. You can visit me at TheVoicesInMyHead.com. The music has been by Jason Shaw over at Audionautix.com.
Thanks for listening and here’s to your 2021 feeling good.
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Hosted & Written by Brian Rollins
Music by Jason Shaw
Copyright 2019-2025 by Brian Rollins
This podcast was released under a Creative Commons, Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives 4.0 International license. Permission denied for use in AI training.